بلوچستان کا الحاق پاکستان ۔ حصہ دوئم


جب بلوچستان کو پاکستان میں شامل کیا گیا اس وقت چاروں ریاستوں کے سربراہان،خان آف قلات ، خان آف خاران ،خان آف مکران ،خان آف لسبیلہ اور

کمشنریٹ کوئٹہ نے قائد اعظم رحمتہ اللہ علیہ سے بلوچستان کا الحاق اپنی رضہ مندی اور خوش اصلوبی سے کیا تھا لیکن چند گمراہ لوگوں کا جتھہ جن کو

دہشتگرد تنظیموں یعنی بی ایل اے ، بی آر اے ، بی ایل ایف کے ناموں سے جانا جاتا ہے ان کے کارندوں کا یہ کہنا ہے کہ بلوچستان کو پاکستان میں زبردستی شامل کیا گیا تھااور یہ بات بلکل غلط اور منفی ہے۔مزید تفصیل مندرجہ ذیل اس مضمون میں شامل ہے۔

On this occasion, the Quaid-i-Azam paid a highly successful four days visits to Kalat on the personal invitation of Khan Mir Ahmed Yar Khan, the ruler of Kalat. In the meantime, Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan went on pressing in the Central Assembly to give constitutional reforms to Baluchistan and ultimately succeeded when his resolution was passed by the Assembly in March 1944.4 In the same year, when British were involved in the second World War, General R.C. Money submitted a memorandum, “Post-War Reconstruction Balochistan.”

In the memorandum, it was suggested, that “Balochistan is the right place for a considerable imperial garrison after the war. It was added that after the transfer of power in British India, “Balochistan” is not part of British India.” The memorandum was appreciated by Amry, as shown by his reply to Money on 18 November 1944 and his letter to Wavell, dated 23 November 1944.5

The Allies won the World War II on 2 September 1945. Ultimately, on 24 March 1946, the Cabinet Mission comprising three Cabinet Ministers arrived at Delhi presented the Partition plan of India on 16 May 1946. After the announcement of Paritition plan the tempo of political activity and polarization was between contending parties and factions gained momentum. Balochistan was of vital importance to the future of Pakistan as a country and people and, Mr. Jinnah was keen to make Balochistan a part and parcel of Pakistan. Conversely, the people who were averse to the prospect of the Indian Muslims securing an independent homeland, Nehru and Mountbatten, for instance, created all types of difficulties for the Muslim League. The foremost issue was: Which of the two Constituent Assemblies will Balochistan join, that is, of India or Pakistan. Moreover, that would be the status of Balochistan states on the lapse of British paramountcy? Would the leased areas be restored to the Khan of Kalat? What will be the future of the Princely States, their rulers and, so also that of the Tribal Territories in Balochistan?

The draft Proposal as revised by Cabinet Committee upto 8 May said:

In British Balochistan, the members of the Shahi Jirga other than those members who are nominated as Sardars of Kalat State, and non-officials members of the Quetta Municipality, will meet to decide which of the three options in para 4 above they choose. The meeting will also elect a representative to attend the Constituent Assembly selected.

Nehru objected to the proposal. He said:

It leaves the future of the Province to one man chosen by a group of Sardars and nominated persons who obviously represent a vested semi-feudal element. Baluchistan has an importance as a strategic frontier of India and its future cannot be dealt with in this partial and casual manner. 

He added: “The future of Balochistan raised many strategic problems and the way at present envisaged is a very casual way of dealing with an important frontier area. Finally, he suggested that this case be deferred until the picture in the rest of India got clearer. This was not agreed to by the Viceroy”.

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